Bonjour my dear Friends ❤
I decided to create this little design as part of a new Inspirational Series, whose main goal will be to simply modestly remind ourselves, and each other, that pretty much EVERYONE who you meet, or you see, or you talk to… whether for an
instant in the passing… or someone who you are closer to… ALL carry lots of “invisible” pain and suffering 🙁 BOTH emotional and physical/health… and most of it is simply… truly INVISIBLE to OUR EYES !!! And yet, that daily endless pain and suffering that the vast majority of us is struggling with every single day, is indeed so VERY PRESENT in our lives, and all along our life’s journey!… but simply making the CONCIOUS and DELIBERATE CHOICE to REMIND OURSELVES of that reality in all of our interactions with EVERYONE… will truly help us to fill our hearts with always more compassion, empathy, and love, for all those who we interact with… and such whether they are a random waitress or cashier in a store… or people much closer to our daily lives.

Extending all that compassion to them will help US to be always MORE LOVING and KINDER to all <3 At least I modestly think so, and I always try to live my heart that way ❤
And, it is SO VERY EASY to forget, or simply be oblivious to such deep daily struggles, if for example in my personal case as an example, you happen to see the little video of little me running around silly at the Doctor’s office like yesterday 😉 or anything else goofy that I might do… or you see me very energetic on a Photo Shoot… you of course then just can not imagine how much chroic pain and deep worries and fears are yet present in my every moments, and for so many years now… and it is of course totally “ok” and understandable <3 that YOU simply would NOT know what I am (or anyone else) actually dealing with… Let’s extend endless compassion to all around us… whether we can “see” their pain with our eyes…or only guess it with our hearts…
With lots of love to YOU! ❤❤❤ pascal
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