Bonjour my dear Friends ❤
Since so many people loved this little post, I thought that I would share here with you as well… I wrote it for my Facebook followers while being in the hospital after my recent brutal and sudden CARDIAC ARREST…
It goes like this… 😍😀
” My Friend BEHIND the CURTAIN ! ” … a modest exercise in self evolving for my heart and mind, all with the only goal to grow always more compassion and empathy for OTHERS, for ALL others (especially for those who think VERY DIFFERENTLY from me)… all allowing me to progress always more in my embracing and respecting of ALL of our “differences”, no matter how drastic they might be! ❤ 😉
So here is to share with you this morning this little bit of “Food for Thoughts”… for myself… and maybe for you as well if you also find it of any interest to your own journey? ❤
When 1 day after your heart brutally and suddenly stopped, and brought you down brutally to the ground, your face hitting in full force the rough concrete… you then end up being rushed to the Emergency Room in an ambulance and, just a few hours later, you are now SHARING a hospital ROOM with another patient – we will call him Joe 😉 🙂 of course not his real name…
And needless to say I was extremely kind to my new ” Friend from behind the curtain”… Joe…
and did so with each and everyone of his questions and our interactions, and I of course beyond deeply and truly respect his views and handling of, on each and every single subject, or manners, that Joe and I quite…. hummmmmm? What should I say?…. Strongly “DIFFER and DIVERGE” about?!!! 😉
so, why don’t we start with sharing with you that I quickly learned that Joe lovessss to stay on the PHONE untill 3am, all while you are desperately trying to sleep and recover some from your major cardiac arrest and wounds from just a few hours ago !
- and Joe also happens to COUGH SUPER LOUDLY and DEEP, every 2 minutes, from his 40 years of smoking cigarettes (he said he “LOVED smoking!” ) and this of course lasts… the whole night !
- and, you will happy to learn, Joe also… FARTS… a LOT!!!… literally every 5 coughs! 😉 (wish I was joking about this but, I promise, my nose and myself swears that this is sadly NOT just humor, but the realities of my shared room!)
- and needless to say, Joe also BURPS very VERY frequently, and very loudly… and he is like, 15ft away from me through a thin curtain… hmmmm… “interesting” I must say to say the least 😉 lol
- and guess what? Joe has also decided that, for some reasons, he likes my company a lot and now wants to have a CONVERSATION WITH ME literally every hour… day or night…
- and would you be chocked to learn that Joe also happens to… CHEW his food SUPER LOUDLY!?… smaking his lips catfish style in the process!?… SO loudly that I think he is literally going to dismantle his jaws at any given moment !
- now did I already mention to you that Joe, when I do not respond to him quickly, simply gets into a MONOLOGUE about his being retired from the military since he was 40 years old (he started at 17) and he explains to me at length how his expertise is all about… ” heavy weaponry and killing people! ” (literally his words)… hmmmmm!?…. Food for thoughts here once again and as I can think of sooooo many different ways to think about these words and statement!…
Oh, and guess what!?… Joe also happens to LOVEEEE to take SHOWERS at… 3 or 4AM!!!… explaining loudly to me that it is simply “ just because I am feeling great right now! ” (to which of course I want to mention something to the spirit of… “maybe you should then…. go home?… and stop farting and burping all over the air I breathe? 😉 maybe! lol 😉 “ but of course I would NEVER EVER say that! <3
- And, needless to say, the super loud shower we share is merely 15 ft away from my ears, all while I am desperately trying to sleep, rest and heal, still deeply struggling from my cardiac arrest from less than 24hrs ago… and needless to say as well, Joe of course loves to leave the bathroom door wide open meaning that I am also of course hearing everything he does, as well as the water running SO LOUDLY that I simply feel like… I am literally IN THE SHOWER WITH HIM! Men bonding and sh-t 😉 you might say right?… well…. Not really my favorite! 😉 lol
… and now, for the Grand Finale 😉 … here is another one where my lips made a biggggg “O” shape, along with my BRAIN and SOUL…
Right in the middle of one of our many random conversations, Joe suddenly throws in, with the same natural flow as I would if I was talking about… croissants… or Women’s lingerie 😉 …
“ So you know my friend (we are of course by now “dear friends” 🙂 <3 😉 ) “so you know my friend?… TRUMP is really the KINDEST and NICEST President we ever had!!!! Such a great man!!!” … to which, Yup, I suddenly strongly worried that, hmmm…… I MIGHT very have another sudden CARDIAC ARREST right there!!!… lol but… nop… I made sure that I got my soul and spirit and compassion to fully take over to handle this new bit of unexpected news… and I switched right away my thinking, past my initial surprise, to full “loving and compassionate mode for our differences of opinion and perceptions… “ 😉 <3 … and which, of course, is ALWAYS a CHOICE for each and everyone of us! 🙂 … and seriously, what would be the point of getting into that conversation right???!!!… and, my entire being truly believe that Joe’s opinions and beliefs… are truly just as strong, valid and to be respected, as mine… but since we have never seen a dolphin convince a tiger to switch to a seafood diet before … and vice versa… why would I even try? 😉
… and here is another “light” 😉 anecdote to share with you … so, guess what!?… Joe also LOVES to TURN ON the full super bright and violent bedroom CEILING LIGHTS every single time that he moves around! (there are of course much dimmer ones that he could use, you know, especially when you have someone “looking like I do” (not so good 😉 lol racoon and cardiac arrest and half heart and all! Lol ) … but oh well, bright blinding lights it is!!!
…. and now here the is our little final “climax” surprise from “ My life with Joe! ” 😉 lol … another “interesting one” surprise wise!
So, comes sunday morning… less than 48 hrs after my brutal cardiac arrest… and Joe, right after making MY night a totally SLEEPLESS night, decides to start the day with… a 6am SUPER LOUD TV full blown set on a… CHURCH SERMON/SERVICE featuring a super loud priest! Why not right!!??… and you know, asking your hospital room’s neighbor if he “minds?…” or maybe he might be from a “different religion”?… or any other “let’s ask him” kind of questions… probably did not cross his mind too much… neither during our stay together… nor probably in his lifetime! 😉 lol
Anyways, I will stop here as there are SOOOO many other sources of “food for thoughts” for my own journey and self evolving opportunities from this encounter with my new “ Friend from behind the curtain ” !!!!
Isn’t it quite fascinating how life brings you to such situations and opportunities from time to time?… unexpected situations where you are kind of “trapped” into something that you would never EVER “volunteer” to be part of, but now you are!… and I always takes such situations as the most beautiful opportunities to refine always more, and to advance always more, the chosen desires of my heart, mind and soul, to truly and fully extend true COMPASSION, true EMPATHY and true UNDERSTANDING to ALL (and NOT just to the people who I happen to agree with, or enjoy the same things or beliefs… for there is of course ZERO opportunities for evolving or transcending of self in that context!).
Now was my situation with Joe an “easy” exercise in self evolving? heck NO!!! lol especially as I was so diminished in my emotions and intellectual ressources from having just been though… cardiac arrest and all! 😉 … but was it a most beautiful and worthy exercise opportunity? Heck YES! <3 ALWAYS <3
And now would I share a big loving hug with Joe the next time that life will make our paths cross? OF COURSE!!!! <3 without a doubt, and with great joy and love and humanness… for truly accepting and respecting our many DIFFERENCES (instead of hating each other for them) is where true love of one another really starts… at least I think so… and I do my best to never ever for an instant (or for a few sleepless nights in a hospital) ever forget it.
And there are of course some of the things that Joe said, felt, or believed, that I felt the very same than my newfound ” Behind the curtain friend ” about (like, maybe, gas expressing ? 😉 lol ) … and on other subjects, I definitely did not and could not think or feel more differently… BUT, either way, the most important to my heart is that I fully respected him as an individual, and fully respected our various (and many 😉 ) “differences”…
Wishing now for YOUR own journey to also, sometimes (NOT ALL the time as it would be mentally and emotionally exhausting of course), be sprinkled with the gift of those “exercises” and great opportunities for evolving of self <3
And I will leave you with one of my quotes featured in my modest book, and which I often remind myself of for my own journey…

” I never learned a single thing that ever helped me to better myself… from having conversations with people totally agreed with me. “
With much much love to YOU <3 … from ” the other side of the curtain ” 😉
ps: one thing that is pretty darn funny to (just between little me and myself lol ) is that since I decided to share with you that little recountig of events… I have called him “Joe” in my head soooo much (to make of course I would not slip and one day by mistake revealed his name, which would be of course so unkind 🙁 so the opposite of my love for him <3 ) I now do not even remember what his real first name…. ever was! lol … and I saved him in my phone as… “Joe” <3
ps2: and here is little extra post and update that I did for my Facebook followers…
…for the many of you who have loved my little “Joe – The Man behind the Curtain” little story of my “interesting” roomate while I was in the hospital after my brutal Cardiac Arrest of last week… here is to share with you the latest quick update since he returned home, and so did I… and here is the very sweet text message he sent me… and of course, true COMPASSION and ACCEPTANCE of our DIFFERENCES (even when they are as quite… hummmm?… drastic 😉 as they could be between two human beings !) of course is NOT going to STOP the spirit and the love of my communications with him <3 … all just because we both left the hospital… and it actually should NEVER “stop”! <3 … kind of like you can not be just “a little pregnant” … or “sometimes racist depending on who you are talking about…” … true COMPASSION is the same… either you ALWAYS and WHOLY have it and extend it to all… or you do not…

PLEASE DO LOVE <3 and EXTEND LOVE <3 and KINDNESS to ALL THOSE AROUND YOU… and NOT “just those who you agree with the opinions and beliefs of…” it WILL make YOUR HEART BETTER… THEIR LIVES BETTER… and the WHOLE WORLD a more loving and beautiful one <3
With lots of love to YOU <3
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