…my little sunshine Stephanie <3 being always the amazingly self aware <3 young Woman who she truly is, often tells me ” Dad I watch so
much junk shows on Netflix etc. so please pick a “classic” with some depth for us to watch together…” which I soooo LOVE to do with her… as she learns a lot from it… and I do too <3 and relearn … and learn always new beautiful, meaningful and powerful things together…

So today as she came to spend the day with me (hugeeee treat for me <3 sooo grateful for my time with her always <3 ) we watched the amazing movie EXODUS… with an equally amazing Paul Newman!
We are not jewish but of course could very well be… the randomness of our religion at birth is just as random as our birth itself…
And in our case, the actual “religion” that I have raised my babies with is what I always called for them when they were little … our “PICK & CHOOSE” religion 🙂 I taught them to simply “pick and choose” anything and everything that is KIND and LOVE to their heart, in any and all religions… that simple <3
Religions are by definition “beliefs” and my children and I “believe” in Love and Kindness… so there you have it <3 that simple 😉 <3
And we loveee to learn from anything and everything, especially cultures or religions that we were not raised with…
What an amazingggg movie about such a key time and events in history…
If you have never watched it, I highly recommend it <3
With much much love to YOU <3
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