FISHYYYY TIME this afternoon! 🙂
there I go once again!!! lol
…after trying SO many times over the past year to swim laps again (as I used to swim up to 120 laps, twice a week, even up to the very day right before my massive heart attack! which kind of proves, btw ;), that being allegedly “fit” does NOT in any ways keeps you safe from heart attacks… something to remind ourselves all at all times…) and every single time that I have tried to go “back at it ” to try to rebuild once again my body… one new major issues and surgery took me, once again, away from it… whether the Heart Attack surgeries!… or the Spine fusion surgery!… or the Defibrillator implant surgery!… or the kidney stone surgery!… etc… so, today, right after many new Heart tests at UNC, I am going to try to go back once again at “playing Fishy” 🙂 and see whether I can still float? or not?… and maybe rebuild a little bit of my “soooo banged up and hurting pretty much all the time” 🙁 body?…
So I will be OMW soon to the pool of the beautiful YMCA in Ch Hill… maybe I will see you there? <3 if YOU also like to play fishy? 😉 … or if you want to come save me if I sink? 😉
With much much love to YOU <3
ps: little snapshot to share with you of yesterday’s Heart Stress test at UNC, playing ” OCTOPUS Man ” ! lol
God knows I tried to escape many times but… I just could not go too far with alllll those wires and devices on little me ! lol
Btw I got super lucky and I am SOOOO grateful <3 as my Dr. did not find any major blockage… which is pure luck and pure wonderful of course <3 …but he said that if I keep having any more episodes of progressively worse random weakness as happened that past many weeks he will need to go “back in” with a new surgery (#7 now!) and new catherization 🙁 let’s hope I will get lucky and won’t need it… or let’s hope I … sink in the pool this afternoon to escape any more surgeries!? 😉

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