* * * Prison… and the Emergency Room… are the 2 only places where you just do NOT really enjoy… being recognized!!! lol * * *
Bonjour my dearest Friends! 💗
Here is a little update on my endless roller coaster health struggles that I thought of sharing with you for its humorous side ! 😊
So, just a couple of nights ago, I had to rush, once again, to UNC’s Emergency Room as I was starting to feel incredibly weak and terribly “off” … that very same overall feeling that I had felt the entire evening of the night where I had my massive heart attack a few months ago… and which, sadly thanks to that little feature of our brains called PTSD☹😟😔 a feature that I now carry around with me every single minute of my life these days… instantly identifies and recognizes all those symptoms from having lived them all once already, and immediately reminds me or the very high risk, fatal risk even, associated with it all! 😔 NOT fun to say the least, and as all of you who also live with PTSD know too well… 😔
So anyways, I did my very best that whole evening to “tame” that quickly growing fear and terrible feeling, trying my best to NOT succumb to that so painful and powerful PTSD… then I called my cardio surgeon (the nicest surgeon who I ever had the pleasure to be treated by, by the way… Dr. ROSSI from UNC! an AMAZING MAN on so many levels! …both as an extremely skilled surgeon… and ALSO as a truly kind, caring and emphatetic human being! ) … and, based on my description of my symptoms, he strongly suggested that I rush to the ER!
And based on his strong advice, I of course right away hoped in my car (since I live alone) and I rushed/drove myself to the ER… and there, guess what, and that is the funny and cute part… after I got through admission and triage and got on the ER floor, I suddenly had not 1 but 2 nurses… and 1 Doctor… walking straight towards me with a big smile and one of them going ” We thought that it was you! We saw you in admissions and recognized you right away! You were so much fun and entertaining when you were here a couple of weeks ago!… ” ☺😂😏
Well… there you go!… I now just got recognized in the very last place where I would enjoy for that to happen! lol all from my way too frequent visits for those past 12 months or 6 consecutive surgeries and endless tests and procedures!
Oh well!… maybe at the end of the year and based on all my ER and surgeries bracelets (I am starting to have quite a collection isn’t it!? 😉 m maybe UN I maybe UNC will give me a special reward sticker?… or maybe a frequent flier kind of pass?… or maybe a little diploma of some sort? 😉😉😘 or at least a lolly pop? lol
Anyways… on a more serious and soulful note… I also want to take this opportunity to voice once again how I truly have the utmost ADMIRATION 💗and deepest GRATEFULNESS💗 for every single person 💗 working in the ER!!!… from all the nurses to Doctors to the staff (and also to all the amazing EMS who bring you there!)… for they all see us coming to them at our very worst of pain and hope😔 … and they are truly our salvation and our last line of hope…
By the way did you ever think about what you would do when tragedy or sudden illness or tragic events or horrible pain hits… and IF there was NO Emergency Room!?…
I will personally be forever SO grateful to EVERY SINGLE PERSON 💗 working in the ER for all the love, support, caring and life saving expertise.
If you work in the ER, anywhere on our beautiful planet, I REALLY want to voice high and loud all my LOVE and FOREVER GRATITUDE to YOU!!!! 💗
With much much LOVE to all of YOU <3 and hoping that, unlike little me, you will NEVER get recognized… in the ER!… or in Prison either !? 😉
ps: I will share with you here under a few photos of that night (taken by my friends in the ER or selfies and as, you know, when you are in the ER, there is just not much to do except enjoy a little creativity and amusing the nurses and doctors and other patients 😀😜🙃) and also since “visuals” are always such a cute complement to words… at least photographers seems to think so ! lol
ps2: as you will also notice, and I really have no idea WHY? but they did stick sooooooo many EKG stickers and sensors on me this time… which… when you are from the Bonobo family (I like that they are the most sexual and also the kindest of all the chimpanzees families) like I am… aka… hairy 😉😋 does translates into lotssss of mini “Brazilian wax jobs” 😉 all over my body when you go back home at 5am or so after your night in the ER!
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