* * * update #21 – little trip to the ER
at 3am as… I can’t breathe 😦 + back to the Hospital a week
later for more extensive heart tests…
Bonjour my Dearest FRIENDS ❤
Since so many of you seem, so very caringly, to like reading about my little journey of these past few months (aka post “ heart attack + 5 surgeries in a row ”) … I thought that I would share with you today a new little update…
I also thought of ending this post sharing here with you a couple of the very many Inspirational Quotes that I write for my own journey (and share with all my followers to modestly help them in theirs) and which have some relevance to this present concept and subject:
“ The ” Why?… ” truly never matters! ” – pascal monmoine
” Bad things happen to good people all the time… and good things happen to bad people all the time… both always being such a gift to our lives, from their most beautiful opportunities for evolving of self. “
– pascal monmoine
So please really do your very best to never worry for an instant about life’s “unfairness”, and whatever destiny might be throwing at you in the form of struggles or emotional or physical pain… and instead always do your best to refocus your thoughts and your heart, on the endless sources of gratefulness which are still yours to cherish, in each and every day… in each and every moment…
Doing so will fill up your heart and soul with love 💓 and beauties 💓 … instead of resentment and bitterness.
It is such a wiser and better way to live your heart… to live your life… at least I think so…
I truly hope that these few modest words maybe will help you on your own journey… they have helped me so many times on mine…
Until my next update… I am sending much MUCH love to YOU 💓💓💓 as well as to all the people who live in your heart 💓💓💓
ps2: … and should you wish to read my next little updates on that little roller coaster health and surgeries journey of mine, please feel free to click on ” Blog ” in the top right menu of my website…
… and in case that you would be interested in getting a copy of my modest book that offers
very many of my most popular Inspirational Quotes
to modestly help you on your own journey, and your worries and struggles
you can find it on Amazon or by clicking here
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