Bonjour my dearest friends <3
If, like me, you unfortunately need frequently MRIs or other pricey tests, or even if you are lucky and only need 1 🙂 I wanted to share with you that, just like for anything else in our daily lives… you can indeed SHOP AROUND and oftentimes save HUNDREDS of $ by just driving 30 or 50 miles away from where you would normally do your MRI. And… guess what!? … an MRI… is an MRI! It is not like you are trying to save money by buying a Honda Accord instead of … a Porsche 911 (I used to own both so I can attest to… the many differences 😉 lol ) … in regards to many medical tests, the procedure is EXACTLY the same… so shopping around makes great sense!
I very much hope those modest sharings of links, or even the very idea to “shop around” 🙂 WILL save you some, or a lot, of money! 🙂
With much much love to you <3
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