update 28 – my next surgery (6th in a row) is now set at UNC for this Thursday… to grab one of my 8 kidney stones… through my… PENIS! 🙁 😖😳😵😱😰 ouchiiiii 🙁
OKEYDOKEY!… new little update for you my dearest Friends <3 … it is now all decided and planned!… my next SURGERY will be this THURSDAY at UNC ! (and it will be my.. guess what!? 😉 … 6th surgery in a row over the past 10 months… and yes I am most of the time very very drained to say the least, body and soul… but still making the very best of it all <3 and of every hour offered to me where the pain is bearable… I of course do not want to miss a single instant of them! <3
Now 6 surgeries in a row after a massive heart attack… hummmm?… interesting few months to say the least! lol … and who just whispered ” Pascal should definitely get a multi surgeries discount!!!” 😉 ” or at least a smiley sticker?… like we give to children after the Doctor’s visit 😉 … or a free cappucino?… something!!!! anythingggg! lol).
Btw it is going to be interesting to see the anesthesiologist’s face as she/he looks for a vein in my arm for yet another IV… as I still have 3 big bruises from the last recent 3 IVs during my recent many visits to the Emergency rooms ! (thanks to sudden excruciating pain from the large kidney stone stuck in my left ureter).
Anyways… the most important of all to me is that I wanted to extend a HUGEEEEEE heartfelt loving grateful THANK YOU <3 to all of YOU <3 who so kindly and generously offered help and advice about who to pick and what hospital to pick for that surgery… I IMMENSELY appreciate it, more than words can express <3
With much MUCH love to YOU <3 and to all the people who live in your heart…
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