Bonjour 🙂
If you are new to this area ….
heart failures messages and thankful for icd and easier to die than to live…
Most people have only 1 overall goal which is to work and get through the day with their parenting etc… others like me have to literally have to fight every single and evry single hour and with every single thought to STAY ALIVE, on top of just going through life’s normal and regular activities such as work and parenting and feeling yourself and others etc….
Everything to me s pure good uock and bac luck.. i have had endless love and goo d luck in the thousadns of friends whose lives i haevebeen able to touch and help and love and who have done the very sane fo me… and i have had pretty bad luck (such as not only haing hthe heart attack our of thownwrre and totally unpredicatbly… but also having lost my arm and emergency sinal fusion on top of it all and tight in the middlfe of it…
hard to breathe… suc a horroble feeling….
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